Northern Star

This night the sea is waving my name

Time to sail towards Christians' lands

Shine, full moon lead me through black night

Soon our spears will engage the fight

Oh, Northern Star, glow with all your light

Warriors, our prayers have reached the skies

Above us, Valkyries are flying

To grab the soul of the one who's dying

The dusk now is coming, they re trying to escape

But tomorrow they'll face their fate

Burn, destroy, no one will survive

With our steel we'll end their lives

Against the wind, across mighty storms

Into the fire, over the waters, we're

Far from home, our destiny has come, it's time to kill

This epic battle will become our greatest war song

Oh please Gods, just set me free

Guide me to clear victory

Oh great Gods, please set us free

Guide us to bright victory

Now I'm here, alone in the field

Silence's around me, no more left alive

Everything's gone but a thing

The northern star's shining for me