Lyrics Spheric Universe Experience

Spheric Universe Experience


What is this all ?

Who am I ?

Who are you ?

What do we live for ?

Where are we going to ?

Why are we here ?

Why do we feel ?

What do we feel ?

Why does it smell so cold ?

How do we know we exist ?

What is existing ?

Why is this road so mysterious ?

What are we fighting for ?

What is the point ?

Why are we so small in time ?

Why are we so small in space ?

Should we know it ?

Where is my land ?

Why do I feel so far away ?

What is far ?

What is close ?

Who can we trust ?

What can we trust ?

Why is autumn so deep ?

Why do I fall into winter chill ?

Why is spring flooding us with so much life within ?

Who does my soul belong to ?

Who is the one ?

Why does music feed our mind and heart ?

Why do these eyes kill me ?

Why do we love ?

Will we die without knowing ?

Is the meaning of my life in your eyes ?

Or is it in your heart ?

What are the answers ?

Is there one answer ?