Lyrics Spirit of the West

Spirit of the West


I was tired of being put right down

By myself for not being what you

Thought you had found

Pulled hard in two directions by a

Desire to learn

And my old affections

When I tried to share my world with you

You could not seem to tolerate

The people I had grown to love

They shrank under your scrutiny,

Became the ones you'd hate

Why did everything, every little thing

Every little thing

With you and me have to be so political?

I was feeling a little underwhelmed

About hanging around with you and

Feeling over cautious

Every word, every little look, every little sign

Every little phrase

Put me deeper in your doghouse

You'd let me out to run across your world

I ran into a wall you told me I built you

Then you'd reel me in, ream me out, pick me up

Push me out again

And then repeat it

Too busy tripping on my tongue

To try and stand my ground

I can still see myself crying in your lap

Asking you are you happy with the man you have found?

I'm grateful for what you did for me

I can see things now I never would have seen

Today I thought about what could have been

But could never be for you and me

Because everything, every little thing

Every little thing

With you and me had to be so political