Lyrics Spirit of the West

Spirit of the West


There's a cold wind blowin' through the old east side

It cuts with the devil's curse

They're turning our people into the streets, while

The landloards line their purse

With the greenback dollar of the tourist trade

There's a fortune to be had

Make way for the out-of-towners, for

The tenants it's just too bad

This appears to be their attitude.

Kick 'em until they're down

They're only welfare cases and

Pensioners and they're easily pushed around

We've invited the world to come and stay

And celebrate the fair

I wonder if the world will understand

The homeless walkin' there.

I'm alright jack, and how 'bout you?

I'm gonna catch this wave that's rollin' through

And turn a trick or two

I'm alright jack, no flies on me!

I'm within my rights, my conscien

Ce is clear

I am the profiteer

The sign says closed for renovation

This is a con we all see through

It spreads like a poison through the town,

Monkey see and monkey do

Turn your slum into a mine, squeeze 'em

Hard for every dime

The people will paint your criminals, but

You can't see the crime

- chorus -

They're all bastards with no morals,

Overcome by a pitiful greed

For years they've taken rent from

The tenants, now they bite the hand that feeds

They've easily turned a blind eye to

All pain and despair

And I pray when they rush is over that

Their gold mines all stand bare

I'm alright jack and how about you?

Gonna catch me a wave that's

Rollin' throught and turn a trick or two

I'm alright jack, no flies on me!!

I'm within my rights, my conscience clear

I am the profiteer.