The Beast and Dragon, Adored

The beast and dragon, adored

You been gone so long

Where you been for so long

I went to places unknown

Rented a room

And i forgot my pen

Shook my twin

And I had to find the feelin again

Now all I need is a crew

One that can act as if

One that can slay on cue

And sneeze and sniff

Uh-huh alright

I'm going back to the water

Been landlocked too long

I got a feelin it don't come cheap

I got a feelin oh and then it got to me

It took its time a-working into my soul

I got to believe it come from rock and roll

Believe it come from rock and roll

Where did you get for so long

I been learning my scene

I been watching my friends move away

I summon my love back to me

And I went down by the seawall

That's when I knew, knew They Never Got You

Great dominions, they don't come cheap

Great dominions, they just want you to leave

I got the meaning the meaning sat tight

Said it's not what you expected but it could be right

I got a feelin it didn't come free

I got a feelin and then it got to me

When you don't feel it it shows they tear out your soul

And when you believe they call it rock and roll