Million Dollar Bill

Until they put my face on a million dollar bill!

Until I got swamp-ass,

Campin' In my Levi's working,

In the moonlight, silhouetted, Tryna get it perfect

In a lab coat beakers overflowin', I'm determined,

Flickers on the wet walls, candle wax burnin'

In the catacomb cellar

Writin' tighter than a virgin

Loose leaf-Einstein, wrote in broken German

Immersed in my work, servants in the hall

Too nervous to disturb him he might turn into a jerk

I got the shortest fuse

But the fortitude, to prove

I made it concentrated like I'm orange juice

Until they've all discovered em, or I'm bald and bumbling

I will scrawl on these walls, keep my cauldron bubbling

I shriek Eureka in the night and it echoes in the hills

When I think, ink trembles in the quills

Resilliant, 'til I'm the one civilians want to kill

Until they put my face on a million dollar bill!

So mom, I promise, I'm gonna be large!

So mom, I promise, I'm gonna be large!

So mom, I promise, I'm gonna be large!

Someday, I'mma stop tryna borrow your car!

So mom, I promise, I'm gonna be large!

So mom, I promise, I'm gonna be large!

So mom, I promise, I'm gonna be large!

Until they put my face on a million dollar bill!

I told my boss this morning I'm not gonna be back

So I won't need the shifts that I normally have

My only source of income is gonna be rap

Because I want it like women don't wanna be fat

My mom can keep her car, I would normally ask

But I'm gonna turn my normal into Porsches and cash

With disproportionate portions of populations of people

Partaking proudly in the practice of pushing my tracks


I was lookin' obese, flippin' through photographs

Laughin' at the old me, wallet full of cheese

Stuffed like pierogies, raviolis

Dictionaries addin' words like Sposey

or bimpin' or DYD,

until villages of children wanna be like me

Until I got crowns, and whole towns to leave in my will,

Until they put my face on a million dollar bill!

There are some cats who say

That I've already done enough

I say fuck that, I haven't even made a million bucks!

I would rather kick the bucket than slum it with runners up

So I'm jizzin' on your shingles, still I'm coming up

Until I'm bigger than Jesus, bigger than wrestling,

Bigger than Bieber, bigger than sexting,

Bigger than the Internet and cigarettes combined

You can doubt it in your mind but I'm sure of it in mine!

God dammit rhyme divine borderline messy antic

All humility aside, the illest on the planet

If I didn't think that, I wouldn't keep rantin'

Stay Sharpe like Shannon 'til the day that I vanish

I'm a man with a canvas, plans outlandish

More bread than a club sandwich

I got no ambulance blarin', I'm just sharin' my skills

Until they put my face on a million dollar bill!

On a million dollar bill

Million-Million dollar bill

On a million dollar, million dollar, million dollar bill!