That's That

Let it ride, Flo Ride, Yes sir!

My brethren habitate

Wells Maine

Where the skies are clear

Dad's gut deer

And sip upon shipyard beer

We attend house parties

And try to get loose

And when we're drunk driving home

We try not to hit moose

Me, I come from familial dysfunction

I'll be hiding in my room

Loudly bumping the smashing pumpkins

The world is a vampire

Dirtier than toilets

I stay lit like campfires

Just to avoid it

It's a cold world

My mom can't even start her cutlets

Hicks with no bicuspids

In the bushes busting muskets

We peruse lifeless roads

Blazing, dodging possum

As private business degenerates into public gossip

Baby, pine moose lobster

Wealthy folks cohabitate

With the impoverished

In a sense, the innocence has been demolished

I mean, you see four wheelers, I see drug dealers

The underbelly's less obvious

The contrast alarming

The youthful residence once dreamed of departing

Just, to set precedence (Presidents) like Polk, Taft, Harding.

Resort to jail coke, we're the army

Baby, I know you wanna leave

Instead inhale marijuana leaves

Which makes sense

Like the dude collecting bottles constantly

Follow me, wanna-be's, as we wallow in mediocrity

We'll play that life lottery

We'll get to where ought to be

I'm aware that the world is cold

A lot of shit out there that I don't know

And if we don't ever make it anywhere then I guess that's that, like that, like that, like that

Hope that doesn't happen to me

And if it does I'll probably get somewhere that I wanted to be

And that's exactly how I'll live 'till then

Yeah dude, that's that...

Spizzy kinda like a sloth or a lemur,

I sleep past noon, lackadaisical demeanor

No job, Oldsmobile and no Bimmer,

Dirty clothes, from Spose medulla to his femur

And as I'm ballin' hard like the Merrell Terrapin

I know children are perishing,

Suicide vans in Bethlehem, no Christmas caroling

I blame nobody but American arrogance

I mean, (hmm, shit) we created the damn terrorists!!

Open up the fridge on MTV Cribs

As miserable kids starve with visible ribs

Is it murder when I trash half my bacon cheeseburger?

Dirty water slaughters daughters in countries we never heard of

American's childs raised up in Walmart aisle's

With Mcdonald's cups

Line them up

Single file

While kids die from pandemics

We don't get it

Or that Speedstick's {Deodorant} workin' and we just don't sweat it

You see in my town, the population's all white

And my mom's a secretary like Madelin Albright {U.S. Secretary of State 1997}

It's alright, in Maine it's not the cold vain

And I'm not clear dates, but shit, this is my so called life