Lyrics Sprung Monkey

Sprung Monkey

No Solution

Evangelical man who sits in his mansion

Trying to tell me what to think and feel

With a righteous fist he condemns all sinners

And deploys his words upon the weak minds of millions

Would you base your life without a thought

Well suffer salvation it can't be bought

Poised with standing your indignation

I reach out my hand you have

No Solution

No Solution

No Solution

No Solution

The time it slips away

To our elected officials who hold their positions so


I don't believe a word you say

With all the power to make a change why don't you?

I've seen your words in action they have

No Solution

No Solution

No Solution

No Solution

The time it slips away

To all who influence millions

And to all who bear words they don't believe

I find it tragic how you toy with real emotions

Amongst all the lies we wonder why we have

No Solution

No Solution

No Solution

No Solution

The time it slips away

So far away