Images of Loving

Your initials on the singles

That you chose to leave behind

Sit in my collection

They get played from time to time

Left to remind me of something I'd forgot

The images of loving before I lost the plot

What was love to us

Just sensation

What was love to us

The invitation

To sit on my bed stand by a tree

What were we feeling

What was love to us

The stagecoach would get held up

On a Sunday afternoon

We're dozing by the TV

On a sofa with no room

No room to lay out flat with her there by my side

One eye on her movements one eye on Rawhide

I just wasn't made for these times

Spun around my record deck

How green was my valley

How blue the eyes that wept

Looking back I don't think that I really cared

This was my first lesson with nothing to compare