Lyrics Squirrel Nut Zippers

Squirrel Nut Zippers

Fat Cat Keeps Getting Fatter

Every dog will have it's day

That's what people used to say

Now and then that's not the case

There's a fat cat 'round the place

Cat's away, the rats will surely go down

Listen up 'cause I'm tellin' you the lowdown

What does it matter if he keeps getting fatter

What does it matter if fat cat's getting fatter

Fat cat keeps getting fatter

He comes in most every night

Wakes me up before daylight

All around he doesn't mind

Pit pat pit pat pit pat all the time

Cat's away, the rats will surely go down

Listen up 'cause I'm tellin' you the lowdown

What does it matter if he keeps getting fatter

What does it matter if fat cat's getting fatter

Fat cat keeps getting fatter

Fat cat keeps getting fatter

Fat cat keeps getting fatter