Lyrics Squirrel Nut Zippers

Squirrel Nut Zippers


I was walking down the street

A stranger said to me, "Be careful what you do"

Then when waiting for a train

I heard a strange refrain, "I'd watch out if I were you"

There's something going to happen soon

Some, some, somethings going to happen soon

I have a phone that doesn't ring

A lie that doesn't sting, a letter never sent

I have a dream where snowflakes fall, inside a painted hall

That don't pay the rent

But if you draw a bone, draw the strongest, yes

And if you use an arrow, use the longest, oh, yes

Although I don't move easily it has occurred to me

Since information's in the air

Are the heavens conspiring to show me this new thing

Or has it always been there

