Lyrics St. Vincent

St. Vincent


Baptized in the shallow end

Of a Holiday Inn

Limbs dangled over my Pa

Like an inverse Pietà

Mother Nature cried

"You are Leviathan, my child

You are Leviathan inside"

And my lungs runneth over

With chlorinated water

And I pleaded with my Pa

But he said, “I can’t carry you no more”

Mother Nature cried

"You are Leviathan, my child

You are Leviathan inside"

Mother Nature sighed

“What hell is this I made this time?

You are Leviathan in size”

Can I make a pet of you?

Dress you up for all the girls

Will I keep you begging now?

Or touch you with my gentle words?

Mother Nature cried

“You are leviathan, my child

You are Leviathan inside”

Mother Nature sighed

“What hell is this I made this time?

You are Leviathan in size”