If It Was Up To Me

If it was up to me, I’d never look both

Ways before crossing the street

If it was up to me, I’d never wear my

Seatbelt, and I’d probably still speed

If it was up to me, I never would have

Smiled in any pictures

I’d most likely sleep all day

If I could just relax for awhile

So you better come quick

I’m about to do something foolish

If you could be so kind

As to call the police

I swear this time

It’s not just for attention

But I also know that you have heard that

From me once before

If it was up to you,

I would never swear around people

I’m supposed to respect

If it was up to you, I’d keep in touch with

Friends from the past

Even though they never last

If it was up to you,

I’d always say my prayers before I ate

And before I went to sleep

If it was up to you, I’d be happy and I’d

Write songs that made you happy too

I can’t seem to care much for these things

That you call life

So you better come quick

I’m about to do something foolish

If you could be so kind

As to call the police

I swear this time

It’s not just for attention

I don’t want the topic to change

I couldn’t ever tell you, to your face

That I’ve only been pretending

To enjoy this place

It’s all been make believe

And it’s mostly in my head

The problem is we only guess

Where we go when we finally rest

Will it be better than where we are now

Still I’d like to believe

It’s better than here

Better than where we are

Better than here

We’ve forgotten what we’re here for

Or maybe we never knew

If a simple life is what we want

Why are we so confused?

Cuz we all want a happy ending

But we’re tired of children’s books

We’re tired of feeling useless

And we’re tired of dirty looks

I swear we used to feel things

Or at least we cried real tears

We used to say I’m sorry

But we haven’t now for years

So forgive us of our sins

Before we make our move

Let us die in peace

So we never have to choose