Lyrics Star Fucking Hipsters

Star Fucking Hipsters

Banned From The Land

I rewind to the time of the native people

That were banned from the land by the church and the steeple

Pushed to the west by gun, germ and lie

Too many broken pacts left the natives to die

Below the barren land of reservation

The earth is still screaming angry cries of war

Insulting token gesture piddy reparations

Keep most segregated, isolated, drunk and poor

To quell your hunger

They feed you lies

The rotted meat

Maggots and flies

And for your thirst

The fire drink

And all your graves

Buried to sink

Your welcomed then with open arms and how'd they repay you

Sickness fears, a trail of tears no apologies issued

Swindled out of everything that you've ever owned

But given back the waste and forced to call it a home

The long trail of tears is a trail of blood too

So thanks for the giving of the small pox flu

The genocide of these tribes and their weakened nations

Pro-sports team logos are a grave desecration

Take back this stolen land

Take back this stolen land