It's Dangerous To Go Alone





Aww yeah

My name is Link, y'all, I'm straight outta Hyrule

Been on the force o' good since 1986, old school

I'm bringin' you a laid-back summertime jam

Hold on a minute Link!

Hey, what's up old man?

I see that you're embarkin' on another epic quest

You're gonna use your ocarina to rescue the princess

But you'll need a magic weapon that'll never ever miss

It's dangerous to go alone, take this

Oh, thanks Old Man, that is really very nice

I can always count on you for helpful, friendly advice

Though I've never seen a sword of quite that shape or size

Oh god, that's not a sword! It's your dick in disguise

Yes, I can't lie, I have painted my schween

Now grab your destiny if you know what I mean

Wait a minute Link, don't leave the cave, where do you think you're going?

This is a great chance to fondle a scrotum that you're blowing

That. Was. Weird, but whatever there is no time to lose

I gotta warp on outta Zelda in this chilled out groove

Wait, this isn't Ganon's lair, I'm in Liberty City

This place looks just like Philadelphia but even more shitty

I'm at the corner of Dead Cop and Prostitute Junction

Something in my Ocarina must have gone and malfunctioned

I gotta fix it quickly there is justice to do

Hold on a minute Link!

Old Man, is that you?

This is a place you can't survive with just your sword and your wits

It's dangerous to go alone, take this

Well that's really kind o- D'aaah! That's your wrinkled dick again

Look, I know I wear a tunic but I'm not into men

Don't be that way bitch let me introduce you

To my three best friends Mr. Johnson and the Juice Crew

If you see the Princess Zelda, well you know you're gonna grab her

So why don't you try to come grab my inflatable poo jabber


I gotta warp outta here, Princess Zelda awaits

I must defeat Ganondorf before it gets too late

Okay, now I really don't know where I am

Hold on a minute Link!

God DAMN it, Old Man!

You're in Raccoon City, it's a zombie abyss

It's dangerous to go alone, take-


Fuck you!

Fuck you, I'm not giving you a-

Not touching your we-

Stop the chilled out groove!


You come in here telling me you got a weewee weapon

It's not cool, I'm not gonna touch it, I'm not gonna splllllNO!

So is that a "No" on the handjob or...? Okay.