Lyrics Status Praesents

Status Praesents

Fairytale Man

As a little boy I found the world so peaceful

That I really believed in

That everything is easy, nice and now I feel

That I was wrong

One step ahead - watch it out

Check your back – if it´s all right

One step back – it is not your fault

Down, down to the ground

Fairytale man is speaking to me

Down, down to the ground,

He disappeared and his tale fades away

One step ahead

Check your back

If it´s all right

In this I see reality

And I want my dreams get back

Fairytale man tells me that I won´t achieve

All the things I want

Down, down to the ground

Fairytale man is speaking to me, to me

Down, down to the ground,

He disappeared and his tale fades away

One step ahead

Check your back

It is not your fault