Lyrics Steel Attack

Steel Attack


The night is black

I can not see in front of myself

It´s getting colder

I feel astray, don´t really know where I am

Through the mist I see a light

I feel afraid, I feel so cold

What is this that I see? What stands before me?

In the misty light silhouettes arise

Shapes of evil, soaring

I see myself, wish I was blind

I wish to be somebody else

I hear a voice, an evil voice, whispering words

Don´t understand what is spoken, I just feel the pain

The rain is falling, keeps on pouring

It is washing my sins away

Like out of nowhere the sun is rising

And the demons flee my head

Except it seems to me I can not lose

The most vivious of ém all

The enemy in me, my evil self

The darkest part of my soul

I see myself, wish I was blind

I wish to be somebody else

I see myself, wish I was blind

Sometimes I wish that I was dead