Lyrics Steel Prophet

Steel Prophet

Environmental Revolt

We the people of this decimated planet called earth

For twenty years have reaped only still birth

My veins reflecting earth's rivers

Filled with poison life they cannot support

People of all races on this planet know economic crash will mean so much woe

Corporations in states of denial scream "our system's good pollution is not what it seems"

But like all revolution before the throng of justice will break down the door

People pleading reform are just the calm before the storm

Stand up for life of the future

Destroy the way that's ruined us

Bring environmental killers to trial

End their reign with a smile

Inventions coming onto the scene

Their effects on health remain to be seen

But once profit begins to flow

Corporate vultures seize the control

Once jobs and livelihood is on the line

They rope you into their clutches like swine

Revolutions gone down the drain

Work for them you're just a pawn in their game

Then they tell you cut back conserve

Our way can live if our rules you observe

But you know the whole system's decayed

To the corporate god our leaders have prayed

So you wonder what to do

Their elections offer no one to you

You arm yourself to destroy them

The thought of bloodshed leaves doubt

They endorse the death penalty but abortion is a crime

Drugs that make you happy are not to be used

But it's okay for profit to put poison in our food

A system for the futures death our governments the crime