Lyrics Steel Prophet

Steel Prophet

New Life (Resolution) [Chapter 5]

The fire’s out

I’ve escaped the chase

Said crime against society’s avenged

I awaken to some

Friends that take me in

To rest

Society can’t burn our thoughts

come to take our words away

When they decide free thought too dangerous

We will simply fade away

In our secret hiding place we have no books for them to burn

Each of us becomes a book

Entire volumes we’ve memorized

Dreams of a new life

Live like I want free

Free to be

You can’t take from me

Individuality a reality

A fight unto thee

So dream

Dream surreal dreams

Though they try

Try to crush them

Technology is not there

For us there is no need

Interaction, human contact

We’ve become a new breed

You crush ideals

It can’t happen

Why can’t you just let us try

Surprise your sons and daughters

We grow strong how you’ll see