Lyrics Steel Prophet

Steel Prophet

Of the Dream

I waked in a mist

the landscape changing in vision

is it I who watches this

or is it some other mind

is this a dream I cannot tell

or some lost station of hell

the dampness clings to my hair

a ring I see round the moon

am I waiting to die

in the dream

my mind swims through the vapors

I can't tell what is real

swim through the underground rivers

my escape has been sealed

all by myself in the hometown

but no one here can recall

look the shadows are closer

how much more can I run

tell my mind to wake up

the thought does me no good

look to the ground for a weapon

to face the danger I flee

a rock is all that I see

I reach down and grab the stone

the beast is now upon me

I fight the thing with my strength

but I can't bring it down

lord please let me fight

hurtling thru the skies

this can't be real

I see his face

god is revealed

this is no dream

I see it's real

past and future lie unconcealed