Lyrics Steel Prophet

Steel Prophet

Through Time and Space

Sitting here in fear

That can't show

With you all watching

Little beads of sweat

Popping on

My face

7 million miles in space

And I see the stars

like no one ever saw

The stars

when will it be over

And return

I'll be oh so good

if I can just return

To you

With only my thoughts

That always seem to turn

Back to the fear

And claustrophobia

That linger like boogeymen

Under my bed

Soaring thru


Wading through space

I don't want to

Run this race

Where does it

All lead

From this craft


It takes a lot of trust

To be trapped

In a single room

For 3 months

Or a year

Time to face

My fear

But hiding from it

Is another way to play it

And keep you near

In my thoughts

Are a puzzle

With a piece

I can't seem to find

Hope or faith

I've left behind

In shadows that eclipse

the bright thoughts

Of you

And your smile

We trust

The smile

Even the ones forced from fear

That always returns when

you're a man

In a space craft

And in the closet

I can't dare to look in

Sea diver try to escape

This iron cage