Lyrics Steel Prophet

Steel Prophet

To Grasp Eternity

We seek for ways to connect

To a higher supreme source

Those that hunger for knowledge

Set their spiritual course

Just as a mirror points at another

Reflects an unending world

Aeturn divided makes waves of light

That spark and create all life

The never ending questions

Answers beyond our comprehension

That lead mankind to ponder through

The mystery of it's dimension

Time is a circle that measures decay

And points out change is at our hands

Can anything happen would seem to be true

As miracles sometimes do

Waiting for the Chakras to open our psychic doors

Of seven vital centers dormant deep within

The Kundalini will awaken and rise to

Enlighten us as we manifest through polarity

Escape this flesh reality, joining from the beginning

To grasp eternity...eternally

A soul is eternal, a fragment of the divine

As a circle turns on comprehend forever more

Do as thou will as long as it harms no one

Question all that you believe and know yourself

Inside and out

This concept is god!

Molecules are as one

All souls are as one, as psychic forces show

Your pain is mine, I wouldn't have it this way

So do unto others, our souls are as one!

Your pain is mine

I wouldn't have it this way

So do unto others, our souls

Are as one