Lyrics Steel Prophet

Steel Prophet

Vengeance Attained

Your story starts so bitterly

An act no one should see

I hear your tale unfold

It makes my blood run cold

The dark side of the human race

Makes me sick, spits in our face

The filth pollutes our minds

I crave relief from these ties that bind

As you speak I form a plan

Of just revenge upon this man

I’ll make him pay for all to see

He’ll suffer much until he's set free

In a flash it all comes clear

Disease is passed from him to me

Thirst for revenge builds in me

I shake with rage vengeance we’ll see

Avenger-that’s what I am

I know the dark in you

Avenger-I exact the price

A price that’s paid in pain

Hero-To the weak

Evil’s sworn enemy

Avenger-you’ll pay what’s due

you’ll never get away!

Your debt has been paid, but what have I lost myself

Punishing the evil, what’s changed in me

Bloodthirsty soul, have I become, I don’t trust myself

Vengeance is mine so sayeth the lord, God strike my poor soul down

the lord, god strike my poor soul down