Rely on Rock

Are you hungry for action, lookin' for ups

Do they all try to put you down?

Do you wanna escape... the nine to five stuff

Totally out of bounds

Torn down - walkin' alone... and backed against the wall

All alone - but ready to fight... two-fisted... before you fall

[Chorus 1:]

Then turn it up (feel it comin')

Turn it loud (feel it comin')

Slavin' day to day (feel it comin')

Blow the night away

[Chorus 2:]

Thirst for action

Rely on rock


Rely on rock

You wanna run from the day taken too far away

Livin' your life in a dream

Show no mercy, crack up the sound

And make the speakers steam

[Chorus 1 and 2]

[Chorus 2:]



That does it!

[Chorus 2:]

Thirst for action

Rely on rock


[Chorus 2:]