Lyrics Steeleye Span

Steeleye Span

My Johnny Was A Shoemaker

My Johnny was a shoemaker and did he love me

My Johnny was a shoemaker but now he's gone to sea

With pitch and tar to soil his hands

And to sail across the sea, stormy sea

And sail across the stormy sea

His jacket was a deep sky-blue and curly was his hair

His jacket was a deep sky-blue, it was a do declare

For to reeve the top sails up against the mast

And to sail across the sea, stormy sea

And sail across the stormy sea

Some day he'll be a captain bold with a brave and a gallant crew

Some day he'll be a captain bold with a sword and spy glass too

And when he has his gallant captain's sword

He'll come home and marry me, marry me

He'll come home and marry me