Clash Of The Two Tribes

Old man, tell us of the past before the wastelands: we must know at last

Legends, stories we have heard but you lived when the mighty fires scorched the world

Son, I remember, The elder said; A time of chaos, a time of dread

In the east awoke the sleeping bear

Its roar of anger reached where eagles dare

Ideologies uncompromised became the seeds of hatred and despise

We would do anything lest all we knew be destroyed

We would do anything we could to avoid the clash

Diplomatic tension, coiled up as a spring

If unleashed would surely bring us to the brink of destruction

So what lay ahead; our survival on a razors edge

Naturally assured destruction seemed at last the only way peace could be guaranteed

We would do anything lest all we knew be destroyed

We would do anything we could to avoid the clash

Two sides of the world, alliances formed dividing the earth for the oncoming storm

An arms race like never before provided the tools of the ultimate war

[Lead: Vega ]

No one knows who cast the first stone but surely the die had been thrown

War waged at the highest of costs: all hope for the future was finally lost

Elimination imminent all bridges burnt all chances spent

Technology and wealth would cease for patriotic pride to please

The cry of a billion souls as one

The world as we knew it came undone