Sentinel Hill

Say have you seen that place where fireflies in great profusion come out to dance as evening falls

Say have you heard the chattering whippoorwills cry out for you, son

Or felt the strident bullfrogs call

Far to the west across the stretch of marshland meadow where the road dips past the ancient bishop house

Rises that mystic bulky hill no one would speak of where no answers come from asking why or how

Though superstition it might be

The elders know what they have seen

And had you been there you would surely agree

They say if you haven't

Then you shouldn't go to Sentinel Hill

[Lead: Vega ]

Atop the hill inside the ring of massive granite pillars

And round the ghoulish table rock

Though often attributed falsely to the native Indians

Where found remains of mongrel stock

Back in the days before the trials and persecution

Some say witches used to gather here at night

At devil's hop yard where they held their executions

Still the moss may seem to glow with eerie light

Though superstition it might be

The elders know what they have seen

And had you been there you would surely agree

They say if you haven't

Then you shouldn't go past the boundaries of sanity

Up the the slanting trail to Sentinel Hill

Ancient wisdom passed down through the bloodlines

They say if you haven't

Oh, God knows you shouldn't go to Sentinel Hill

[Lead: Vega ]

[Lead: Rockbag ]

[Lead: Vega ]

They say if you haven't

Then you shouldn't go to Sentinel Hill