Zone Of Alienation

Welcome stranger, welcome to our lands

A sense of danger you cannot understand

This hazardous environment separates the strong from the weak

No longer to be inherited by the meek

Abandon all hope all ye who enter here

You're hanging by a rope and the end is drawing here

Radiation sickness strikes, it's time for you to meet your fate

Genetic blueprints melt down and mutate

A thousand eyes are watching from behind the windowpanes

Children of the nuclear fallout rain

Heavy Metal mutants of a vicious biosphere

Evolution's final frontier

In the Zone of Alienation

Deep behind forbidden lines

In the Zone of Alienation

You may find the key to what is a higher form of life

Commander of the mutants, ruler of the freaks

Toxic wastelands spawn the New Elite

Warrior king, pick your queen time to breed the future strong

In this Darwinistic playground this won't take too long