Lyrics Stereophonics


Postmen do not Great Movie Heroes Make

You're not in business to be popular

It's become so much about personality

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all arts form

The most immediate way in which a human being

Can share with another the sense of what appears to be unity

First of all I choose the great roles

And if none of these come

I choose the ones that pay the rent

It was like unfinished business in my life

Wherever I went people would say

You would have made a great James Bond. Yes.

Lets face it postmen do not great movie heroes make

The imagination, the industry

And encourages the free eyes at the door

Do not try to push your way

Through the front gates? of the profession

But do your upmost to find an entry

Through the world of theatre

There' s the same surge of adrenalin

You get just before the camera roles.

We have lost our sense of ritual and ceremony

But we blame the artists for not finding them for us

Actors often behave like children

And so they're taken for children

Such is an actors life.

Lets face it postmen do not great movie heroes make

They tramp discontently through the neighbourhood

And the only matter of contact with fellow human beings

Tends to be

Tends to be reading names and adresses off an envelope

There is a great job

There is the same surge of adrenalin

You get just before the camera roles

Okay if I wasn't an actor I'd be a secret agent.