Lyrics Steve Green

Steve Green

Forgive Me

As I hold Your broken body

And drink Your bitter cup

Help me realize the depth

Of Your redeeming love

And for all the sin in me

Any sin at all

Forgive me, forgive me

Through the constant struggle

That never seems to cease

As in life, so is the cross

It too was bittersweet

As I receive this sacrament

A holy mystery

I'm amazed You're sharing it with me

You were crushed

You were bruised

You were scorned

You were used

So here am I with nothing left

But praise for You

Praise for You

As I hold Your broken body

And drink Your bitter cup

Help me realize the depth

Of Your redeeming love

And for all the sin in me

Any sin at all

Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me