Lyrics Steve Green

Steve Green

Glory To You

That You did not give to me

What mysteries are clear to me

That You did not explain

When did I share Truth

I had not received from You

What good works have I performed

That you did not ordain

Any strength I have, any good I do

Comes from the life I found in You

So in all I am

And in all I do

I give the Glory to You

How do I express

My love and my gratitude

For all I am and ever will be

All depends on you

Where in the world would I be

Had you not reached out to me

All the good I have in life

Can all be traced to you

Any strength I have, any good I do

Comes from the life I found in You

So in all I am

And in all I do

I give the Glory to You

From the strength to obey

Your word when I hear it

To reaching out in love

It's all a gift of the Holy Spirit,

Coming from above

Any strength I have, any good I do

Comes from the life I found in You

So in all I am

And in all I do

I give the Glory to You

I give the glory to You