Lyrics Steve Green

Steve Green

I Am The Vine

I am the vine

You are the branches

And if you remain in me

Fruit will abound

Abundant in measure

Come, children, taste and see

Apart from the vine

A branch bears no fruit

For Christ is the source of all life

And all He demands

As we keep His commands

Is to faithfully cling to the vine

I am the vine

You are the branches

And if you remain in me

Fruit will abound

Abundant in measure

Come, children, taste and see

Service is never the root of devotion

It must grow as the fruit

Of a life that remains in the vine

Come drink your fill of new wine

Come drink your fill of new wine

I am the vine

You are the branches

And if you remain in me

Fruit will abound

Abundant in measure

Come, children, taste and see

Apart from the vine

A branch bears no fruit

For Christ is the source of all life

And all he demands

As we keep His commands

Is to faithfully cling to the vine

I am the vine

You are the branches

And if you remain in me

Fruit will abound

Abundant in measure

Come, children, taste and see