Lyrics Steve Green

Steve Green

Lamb Of Glory

Hear the story from God's Word

That kings and priests and prophets heard

There would be a sacrifice

And blood would flow to pay sin's price

Precious Lamb of Glory

Love's most wondrous story

Heart of God's redemption of man

Worship the Lamb of Glory

On the cross God loved the world

While all the powers of hell were hurled

No one there could understand

The one they saw was Christ the Lamb

Precious Lamb of Glory

Love's most wondrous story

Heart of God's redemption of man

Worship the Lamb of Glory

Precious Lamb of Glory

Love's most wondrous story

Heart of God's redemption of man

Glory to the Lamb

Pure as snow I stand

Worshiping the Lamb of Glory

With the saints I will stand in eternity

Giving praise to the Lamb of Glory


Precious Lamb of Glory

Love's most wondrous story

Heart of God's redemption of man

Glory to the Lamb

Pure as snow I stand

Worshiping the Lamb of Glory