Lyrics Steve Green

Steve Green

Messiah Medley

And the glory, the glory of the Lord (And the glory...)

Shall be revealed

And all flesh shall see it

Together, together, For the mouth of the

Lord has spoken it. And the glory, the

Glory of the Lord.

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a

Son is given, unto us a Son is given, and

The government shall be upon His

Shoulders, and His Name shall be

Called: Wonderful, Counselor, The

Might God, The Everlasting Father, The

Prince of Peace, The Everlasting Father,

The Prince of Peace!

Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest!

Good will, good will, good will, good will towards men!

Good will towards men

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice greatly!

The King cometh unto thee.

Who is this King of Glory?

Who is this King of Glory?

This King of Glory,

The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord strong and mighty.

The Lord of Hosts.

He is the King of Glory.

And He shall reign forever and ever!

King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He

Shall reign forever and ever.
