Lyrics Steve Green

Steve Green

O Pilgrim Come (Woven In Time Album Version)

"The cross stands as a mystery because it is foreign to everything we exalt self over principle, power over meekness, the quick fix over the long haul, cover up over confession, escapism over confrontation, comfort over sacrifice, feeling over commitment, legality over justice ... man over God." -- Ravi Zacharias

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

Your pardon and your peace

Collapse upon the grace of God

Whose mercy is complete

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

Cast all your pride away

And earthly treasures count as loss

In light of all you gain

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

Here is mercy

Come be crucified with Christ

Here is mercy

Come be raised with Him to life

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

God's judgment on your sin

Drink deep the shame that leads to life

And broken enter in

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

And here your boast should be

What I could never do myself

My God has done for me

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

No other path attend

O here begin your journeying

And here your journey end

O pilgrim come, here is the cross

O pilgrim come, here is the cross