Lyrics Steve Green

Steve Green

Search Me, Oh God

Search me, oh God

Reveal my heart

Expose my sin that it may be confessed

Search me, oh God

Unveil each thought

And leave no hidden motive unaddressed

Uncover every action born in pride

Show me the worldly ways I still embrace

May every anxious thought be brought to light

And each unspoken fear with faith replaced

Search me, oh God

Observe my life

Bring to my mind each idle word I speak

Search me, oh God

Test my resolve

And alert me where you find it weak

Reveal all weakened walls within my soul

Show me potential dangers unforeseen

Then clothe my conscience with your holiness

Help me guard it well and keep it clean

Search me, oh God

That I may walk in peace

Filled with the joy of knowing all is well

My heart surrendered and my conscience clean

So great a joy my tongue can scarcely tell

Oh what a joy to know that all is well