Hauled Off And Kissed Me

She let me dance real close

She let me buy the beer

So I thought I'd whisper something sexy in her ear

I might've been out of line

I might've pushed my luck

But before I had time to duck

She hauled off and kissed me

I didn't know what hit me

I was dazed and confused

She knocked me out of my shoes

She was strong for a girl that skinny

Her lips were like honey

I swear she pucker punched me

One minute she was dancing with me

And she just snapped

Hauled off and kissed me

We didn't take it outside

It was alright there

We were trippin' over tables and crashing through chairs

The bouncer came over and said: "Y'all quit!"

And I said: "Hey man! She started it"

She hauled off and kissed me

I didn't know what hit me

I was dazed and confused

She knocked me out of my shoes

She was strong for a girl that skinny

Her lips were like honey

I swear she pucker punched me

One minute she was dancing with me

And she just snapped

Hauled off and kissed me

She kept on coming and she wouldn't stop

It spilled on out into the parking lot

We went around another couple rounds

And finally she pined me down

Hauled off and kissed me

I didn't know what hit me

I was dazed and confused

She knocked me out of my shoes

She was strong for a girl that skinny

Her lips were like honey

But I swear she pucker punched me

One minute she was dancing with me

And she just snapped

Hauled off and kissed me

Hauled off and kissed me

She hauled off and kissed me