Lyrics Steve Tyrell

Steve Tyrell

This Time Of The Year

This is that time of the year,

A tinselly, glittery time;

Long distance calls to uncle and aunt,

On ev'ry corner you bump into Santa,

'Cause this is that time of the year,

A holly and jolly old time;

Windows are dressed in ribbons of silk,

And Junior drinks all of his milk!

Poppa . . . keeps buying presents

And sneaks them into the closet;

Momma . . . goes to the bank

But she holds out a dollar from ev'ry deposit;

'Cause this is that time of the year,

A silver bow, mistletoe time;

Spirits are high, good will and good cheer,

We're putting the tree up,

The kids shouldn't be up,

Saint Nick says, "Giddeyup!"

To Dasher, Dancer, Blitzen, Prancer;

This is that time of the year!

This is that time of the year,

A tinselly, glittery time;

Dumpling and goose and pudding and pie,

(Perfect excuse to go right off your diet!)

'Cause this is that time of the year,

A holly and jolly old time;

Snow on your roof, your face and your shoes,

And presents that you'll; never use!

Grandma . . . feels twenty-two so,

She dons her gayest apparel;

He stands at the spinet and sings ev'ry carol;

'Cause this is that time of the year,

A silver bow, mistletoe time;
