Lyrics Stíny plamenů

Stíny plamenů

Dark Sewage Star

Deep in the sewer on water I lie

Mud ‘round my body the heat of my world

Satan the father draws a cross of light on the wall

The Sewage Disposal Lord calls from afar with a hellish voice

I sink my fingers into the floor of this vaulted hall

I find teeth and bones of those long dead

It is I who killed them, his majesty Lord of the Manhole Lids

Their flesh and blood fell right into Lord Satan’s Throat

I remember the times when we fought against the Waterworks

It’s glory as dead now as Mr. Jesus Christ himself

We created this waste world obscure to many

Where waters rush propelled by holy grey mire

I sailed through this dungeon and reached a place beneath an immensely deep shaft

The cover is lifted, I gaze through the open stave into night skies

I see a cold light, a star, ‘tis an omen

I must rise from the waters and climb up the pit

Dark sewage star – Blood of God pours down the drain

Dark sewage star – A manhole lid ablaze in the sky

Dark sewage star – A cosmic sign of waters foul

I invoke it every night when I ascend to the city’s surface

Emgancatus The Sewage Disposal Lady

Instead of a holy cross

She firmly grasps and iron sceptre

My dark throne is cast in cast-iron

From the bosom of raging sewage waters

Shadows of flames and visions reflect

From these shapes on moisty walls I read words of power

Images are changing fast as humans and their world

I search for hidden meanings in sentences of evil

Satan, Satan everywhere with his reign over himself

Fighting against those who spawned him in their minds

Dark sewage star...

A manhole lid rises in the sky, now even in the midst of a day

Most goluptious shadows it casts through it’s vents

And every night and every day one more lid shall appear

Till the time they all fall to earth

And kill even Satan

The sewage kingdom shall be roofed from above the ground

All of the waters either rusty or slurry

Blood shall rain and pour amidst the bricks

And there it shall nourish it’s death again