Lyrics Stonewall Jackson

Stonewall Jackson


Leona, Leona you tell him you're through

You tell him Leona, about me and you

You tell him we're married with a baby of two

You tell him Leona, you tell him you're through

You laughed as I pleaded and walked out the door

To meet him, to kiss him, to shame me once more

I knew where to find you just follow the sign

Dancing and dining cocktails and wine

The sidewalk was crowded in front of the bar

I heard the sirens of black police car

Two bodies lay crumbled a woman, a man

His wife stood there by you, a gun in her hand

Leona, Leona it's over and through

The baby is crying and calling for you

For me there's no difference, I've knew for so long

That some day you'd leave me and now you are gone