Lyrics Stonewall Jackson

Stonewall Jackson

She'll Still Be Gone

That face in the mirror across the bar from me

Keeps staring back as if to say is this where you should be

But drinking helps forget her though I won't forget her long

And tomorrow when I'm sober she'll still be gone

All around me are the losers I guess that's why I'm here

They don't mind my loneliness no they're all used to tears

What hurts me most of all is I could cry from now on

And she won't even know it she'll still be gone

I could say forgive me with each breath I take but in vain

When you take love and kill it you can't bring it to life again

I can sit here on this barstool until my body turns to stone

But she won't even know it she'll still be gone

No she won't even know it she'll still be gone