Lyrics Stonewall Jackson

Stonewall Jackson

Thoughts Of A Lonely Man

Tonight when I get through at work I'll just head straight on home

I'll fix a bite and try to eat then I'll pick up the phone

I'll try to find out where she went I must know how she's been

That's the thoughts of a lonely lonely man

The mind of a lonely man when he's alone like me

All day he counts mistakes he's made all night he counts bad dreams

I meant to treat my darling right somehow I filled my plans

That's the thoughts of a lonely lonely man

Tomorrow I'll wake up at six I'll rise without a groan

Reachin' at work by eight o'clock just like there's nothing wrong

If I'll work hard enough maybe the work will help me stand

All these thoughts of a lonely lonely man

I'm beggin' her my heart keeps smart but it makes sense to me

Being smart won't help me much if she don't come back to me

Oh what I'd give to see her face or touch her gentle hand

That's the thoughts of a lonely lonely man

That's the thoughts of this lonely lonely man