Lyrics Stonewall Jackson

Stonewall Jackson

You Haven't Heard

That last time I called you on the phone

You said you thought that I had really gone

You thought that I'd forgotten you

Oh how can I forget

You haven't heard about me dying have you yet

You haven't heard where I jumped in some river

You haven't read my notice in the Evening Gazette

I'll love you even if I live forever

You haven't heard about me dying have you yet

I grieve for you each night while I'm alone

I walk the streets I wonder what went wrong

You think I still don't cry for you why is my pillow wet

You haven't heard about me dying have you yet

You haven't heard where I jumped in some river

You haven't read my notice in the Evening Gazette

I'll love you even if I live forever

You haven't heard about me dying have you yet