Oppi Fjellet

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Den tok meg vekk ifra folksom gard

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Og om dykk ikkje har hort det for

Eg blir i Norges land eg til eg dor

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Her i vart rike er alt vart savn

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Kring masse skoger vi slar var favn

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Og er det nokon som ikkje ser

Kvifor vi allrid til mor Noreg ber

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Ja, berg og grastein det eter vi

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Vi skjems av blamenn, vi gar i hi

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Og friske elva den er for oss

Hvis du vil ha den sa ma du slass

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

En grusom dod venter hver en mann

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Som ikke hyller vart faderland

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Ja vi er norske og stolte av det

De kristne kjotere vil jo ikke se

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Na har vi sagt det vi ville si

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

For norske brodre som alt vil gi

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Skogtroll varsler en grusom dod

Der Fenrisulven horte samme glod

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet

Kan dere se han? Kan dere se han?

Se den kristne kjoter'n!

Deng ham opp! Deng ham opp!

Og om du noengang lukter kristenmanns blod

Oppi fjellet

Ja, hent oksa og... kutt dem ned!

English translate: Up In The Mountains

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

It took me away from crowded village

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

And if you haven't hear it before

I'll stay in Norway's land till I die

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Here in our realm is all our longing

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

We embrace the vast forests

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

And is it someone who doesn't see

Why we always to mother Norway pray

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Yes, rock and stones that's what we eat

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

We are disgusted by bluemen, we go to our lairs

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

And the fresh stream it is for us

If you want it then you have to fight

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

A cruel death awaits for each man

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Who doesn't hail our fatherland

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Yes we are norwegian and proud if it

The christian bastards won't see

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Now we have said what we wanted to say

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

For norwegian brothers who'll give all

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

A forest-troll heralds a cruel death

Where the Fenris-wolf heard the same

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Up in the mountains, up in the mountains

Can you see him? Can you see him?

See that christain bastard!

Beat him up! Beat him up!

And if you ever smell christian blood

Up in the mountains

Then get your axe and... chop them down!