...And Winter Was

"Lord of shades, I swear you...

Persephone will be your bride

By your side she will become Queen of Hades"

Since that damned day, the grim King of the Reign

Of darkness was waiting for the fate to be fulfilled

Knowing not the deal the girl was gathering

Flowers in the Nisa's plain when the infernal

Chariot came

Suddenly the sun was covered by gloomy clouds

And an icy wind started to blow

Under her feet a deep chasm was opened wide

And with a cold embrace she was

Stolen from the light

"The Father of gods

Has decreed your doom

Since so long time

An endless reign you will rule by my side

Of death you'll be the queen!"

The Demethra's rage was so terrible that all the

Earth was tormented by a long famine

A sad winterseason crawled in every land

Bringing to all the men sufferings and pain

But condemned by a pomegranate

Persephone's doom was sealed