Lyrics Stormwarrior


And Northern Steele Remaineth

Thunderinge hooves

Carry me to my destiny

Vultures of carrion (summon me)

Summon me to the battlefielde

Bones in the hills

The valley echoes my battle cry

I savour my fury (withe the mighte)

Withe the mighte of Habrok I'm soaringe highe

Tyr marks my spear, like Gungnir I sweare

My wrathe shalle fly true

We were torn and bereav'd, outlaw'd and renegaded

But the lande has stay'd untam'd

And the northern steele remaineth...

Hous'd in the runes

Fiery wyndes of my heritage

Oh wisdome of ages

Hallowe and holde this holy-stead

We've been hunted and scatter'd

Now stormes are foreboding an age of deluge

The elder faithe was unshatter'd, my wrath shall fly true

We were torn and bereav'd, outlaw'd and renegaded

But the lande has stay'd untam'd

And the northern steele remaineth...

We were torn and bereav'd, outlaw'd and renegaded

But the lande has stay'd untam'd

The hills still calle oute my name

And the northern steele remaineth...