Lyrics Stormwarrior


Chains Of Slavery

Trod as slaves by the tyrant canes

Laid in chains, scars and bloode

All the years I've suffered in paine

Forced by the guards to serve their lordes

Pride they can't afforde

Trapped in hell, the master's hande

Signes of justice, broken men

Fighte, stande proude, gather to strike

Rebellion of slaves, ye shall arise

Freedom in thy eyes, a hearte fill'd withe pride

We're breaking the chains of slavery

The tyrant falles tonighte

I won't cringe to the false

I hear the cries of my brothers

Heede the call of the fighte

Won't kneele again, rather die

Fighte, stande proude, gather to strike

Rebellion of slaves, ye shall arise

Freedom in thy eyes, a hearte fill'd with pride

We're breaking the chains of slavery

The tyrant falles tonighte

Freedom, the cry in my bloode

I hear the calle of my gods

Brothers oute in the fieldes

Remember the whips that forced us to kneele

Raise your fists to the skye

Hail the gods up high

Swear the oathe of revenge, free our clans

And break the chains forever

Slavery's chains will be broken

The irons will falle, falle downe to the grounde

Overwhelming the guards, tearing their weapons

Face to face withe the lordes, the tyrants are founde

Raising the sworde, wielding the axe

Hammers in handes, hailing the gods for our freedom

The masters will die, thes chains will be burned

Freeing the brothers, vengeance shall be done

I won't cringe to the false

I hear the cries of my brothers

Heede the calle of the fighte

Won't kneele again, rather die

None shall crosse our pathe

Our freedom shall laste

The warrior comes forthe

Quarter and tomente the lorde

Fighte, stande proude, gather to strike

Rebellion of slaves, ye shall arise

Freedom in thy eyes, a hearte fill'd with pride

We're breaking the chains of slavery

Fighte, stande proude, gather to strike

Rebellion of slaves, ye shall arise

Freedom in thy eyes, a hearte fill'd with pride

We're breaking the chains of slavery

The tyrant falls tonighte