Lyrics Stormwarrior


Deathe by the Blade

Axe and sworde in my handes

Deceivers invaded these landes

A charge, their false heartes to kill

The calle of the gods to fulfill

Fighte the true evil, prevente their returne

Bloode on the crosses, churches shall burne

Stronge our will, fearless we are

The ravens our guidance, the hammer our hearte


Spill their holy bloode

Deathe by the blade

The wrathe of the gods shall returne

Wytches were burn'd at the stake

Heathens were murdered and raped

Suppressed, our forefather's faithe

Wisdom and cults were erased

Fighte for our gods, prepare their returne

Bloode on the crosses, churches shall burne

Proude our hordes, fearless we are

Vengeance our duty, barbaric our heartes


Revenge shall be thy fate

Deathe by the blade

The returne of the glorious age