Lyrics Stormwarrior


Defenders of Metal

A longe time ago when we were borne

The gods had return'd in the nighte

They built up a fire of thunder and nighte

And raised their swordes to the skye

They swore to create proud warriors

Defending their kyngdome of steele

Metalians were borne to fighte for their realm

Saving the faithe we all feele

And more than hundred thousand warriors

Armed with leather, chains and spikes

An army of brave men standes to strike

Proude and stronge

Defenders of Metal

The winde of the false ones invaded our landes

Trying to burne our faithe

The enemy tries to break our backs

They rape our steele and betraye

No brotherbeliefe, no steele in the veins

Borne to kneele and die

The time hath come to burne in hell

Metal is stronger than lies

And more than hundred thousande warriors

Armed with leather, chains and spikes

An army of brave men stands to strike

Proude and stronge

Defenders of Metal

And more than hundred thousande warriors

Armed with leather, chains and spikes

An army of brave men stands to strike

Proude and stronge

Defenders of Metal

Never surrender

Defenders of Metal

Fighte for their realm