Lyrics Stormwarrior


Fyre & Ice

Ride on oute, rally the fore

Grante us strengthe and vigoure to protecte our native shores

Fireborne, like the stars, the moone and sun

Give us thy endurance, spare my brethren from the crosse

As sworn brothers we strike, to die in his name is to live againe

Hel Blinder - Oh guide us with your mighte of...

Fyre & Ice - The charge of battle-dealers

Bloode red skies - We honoure the Slain-Receiver

Fyre & Ice - The calle of Olde Believers

Let arrows fly - The fighte of deathe or glory in Fyre & Ice

Oh like a thunderbolte oute of the yawninge voide

We defy the frozen wasteland to defende our heathen soule

Stormy shieldes, oh never yielde

Ride downe the enemy, run them backe into the sea

As sworn brothers we strike, to die in his name is to live againe

Hel Blinder - Oh guide us with your mighte of...

Fyre & Ice - The charge of battle-dealers

Bloode red skies - We honoure the Slain-Receiver

Fyre & Ice - The calle of Olde Believers

Let arrows fly - The fighte of deathe or glory in Fyre & Ice

As sworn brothers oh we strike againe

Hel Blinder - Oh guide us with your mighte of...

Fyre & Ice - The charge of battle-dealers

Bloode red skies - We honoure the Slain-Receiver

Fyre & Ice - The calle of Olde Believers

Let arrows fly - The fighte of deathe or glory in Fyre & Ice